Hawaiʻi’s food system is in crisis.

In the face of this COVID-19, our island communities have sprung into action. From farmers to those filling food supply gaps and those out protecting our at risk populations. Our communities are building the infrastructures required to connect Hawaiʻi’s agricultural sector to social services, getting food to those who need it.

It became clear at the beginning of the pandemic that the acquisition of food is perhaps our most tenuous vulnerability. This is a profound moment to document the immensity of what we are moving through, how people are adapting, and what needs to be changed moving forward.

We are here to capture these stories in real time as evolving artifacts of this era. Elevating these stories broaden the conversation around food and hunger as well as invite solutions from across the islands.

Farmers, legislators, agencies, academics, restaurateurs and non-profit organizations who have heard the call are coming together in an unprecedented fashion, sharing knowledge, resources, skills, abundance, and strategy.

For our team, it is a true honor being positioned to document this crucial moment for the world, and specifically for Hawaiʻi. We see this as a profound responsibility. What we do today will shape what the future holds.

“The way I look at it is if people are fed, and not hungry, then our community can continue to work towards a better future.”

- Kyle Kawakami, Maui Fresh Streatery